故宮書畫錄(卷八),第一冊,頁17&*趙孟頫(1254-1322),湖州(今浙江吳興)人,字子昂,號松雪道人。宋皇室後裔,入元後仕至翰林學士承旨。書法初學宋高宗,中年以後小楷法鍾繇,行草師二王、李邕,筆致秀逸。其書直追二王,深得晉人神韻,為元代書壇領袖。此作雖具趙孟頫書法之特色,然書寫者僅得外觀之神似。細觀點劃之間,無論是用筆的俐落、線條的精緻度或品質,皆不及趙孟頫,故非其親筆所書。&* Zhao Mengfu (style name Ziang, sobriquet Songxue daoren) was a native of Huzhou (modern Wuxing, Zhejiang). A descendant of the Song imperial clan, he entered government service in the Yuan dynasty and served to the post of Reader-in-Attendance at the Hanlin Academy. His early study of calligraphy began with the style of the Song emperor Gaozong, and after his middle years he learned the small regular script of Zhong You. In running-cursive script he achieved the manner of the Two Wangs (Wang Xizhi and Wang Xianzhi) and Li Yong, his brushwork being elegant and untrammeled. In his pursuit of the Two Wangs, he also delved into the spirit harmony of Jin calligraphers, becoming a leader in Yuan calligraphy circles. Although this work bears the features of Zhao Mengfu’s style, the calligrapher was only able to grasp the external appearance. Close examination of the dots and strokes reveals that their level of quality and refinement along with the execution of the brushwork to be inferior to those of Zhao. As a result, this work was not actually done by him.